Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I am currently reading through the book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. Actually we are studying this book in one of our House Churches. In today's assignment (Day 29) I read something that caused me to stop and think. Warren shares: "In some churches in China, they welcome new believers by saying 'Jesus now has a new pair of eyes to see with, new ears to listen with, new hands to help with, and a new heart to love others with.'" (Purpose Driven life, pp.229-230) I also thought about a song that is played often on Christian radio stations that says "Give me your eyes for just a moment..." The song's message emphasizes our need to try and "SEE" the world through God's eyes.

Can you imagine how differently our perspectives are in comparison to God's? One of our primary concerns while living here on earth revolves around our finances. Either we have everything we need and are trying to figure out what else we "WANT" or we are struggling to have enough money to meet our basic needs. There are both positive and negative mental energies consumed with issues dealing with money. How do you think God views money? Would He ever be impressed with how much "stuff" we have? How much money would a person need to have to impress God? I think it is pretty evident how insignificant money is to God. Since He owns it ALL, we know He distributes what He knows we can be trusted with.

Another topic that can occupy a great deal of our mental energy is death/dying. After recently attending a funeral for someone who truly lived out a life of Faith in Jesus, I meditated on how differently God views the subject of death than the way we look at this heart breaking mystery. The Bible actually says that it is precious to God when one of His Saints dies. (cf. Psalm 116:15) For God, death is not separation but reunion! When One of His Followers completes their allotted time on earth, death is simply the vehicle that brings them HOME to our Heavenly Father! There is so much distance between our perspectives when it comes to death.

The list goes on and on regarding the contrasting perspectives between God and those of us who live here on earth. We should invest some time searching God's Word to gain a more concise understanding of God's perspectives. As we learn more about the way He "SEES" things it will transform our lives! Are there any "troubling" topics in your life right now that would benefit from gaining God's perspective? Politics, economy, deadly storms, etc. are just of the few topics that seem to make headlines for us right now. I would love to hear how God has helped you by helping you to "SEE" with His eyes.