Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Special Days

We are sometimes challenged to share where we were when something significant happened. For many years I would hear people say, "I never will forget where I was when JFK was shot." I was only 3 years old when that happened so I don't remember where I was. Then, the tragedy happened on September 11, 2001. I will never forget where I was and the feelings I experienced as this tragedy unfolded.

For some reason it seems like most of these memories are tied to negative or tragic events. Today I am delighted to share another pivotal moment that happened in our lives (i.e. Lisa and I) and I remember exactly where I was. Today is our daughter Ashley's 18th birthday! This life-changing event for us is one of those "I will never forget where I was" times. I can still hear the doctor say "It's a girl" when we felt positive that we would have another boy. (Yes, we actually waited until she was born to know her gender). I immediately started thinking what it would be like to have a daughter. I thought, "I've got to get a gun because boys will want to come over and see her!" (This wasn't my first thought but I was repulsed at the thought of some boy getting a piece of my daughter's heart).

Many things have happened through these 18 years that have shaped who we all are. Ashley is a wonderful young lady, full of life and still bringing so much joy to her Mom and I. We just hope this is a wonderful day for Ashley. We miss her very much now that she is in college but are so proud of the young woman she is becoming.

This special day is a reminder for me how quickly time passes by and how easy it is to miss out on the best times of our lives because we are preoccupied with things that will never be talked about when we die. Faith, family, friends, etc. are the ingredients of LIFE! While there are many mistakes I regret in these last 18 years of parenting I can honestly say that we have loved Ashley with all our hearts and have tried to spend quality time with her through the years. One of the greatest commentaries on parenting is when your adult children want to come home and be around you. I hope our friendship with our adult children will grow stronger through the years.

Happy Birthday "Baby Girl!"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Connecting Point Church Update

I am amazed by all the time and mental energy required to "Plant" a New Church. While it is very invigorating it is also very draining. I have said in my heart and mind many times how this should have happened in my life when I was in my 30's. But, God doesn't always do what "makes sense" to us! With all the energy I have expended in writing, training, organizing and trying to keep people "plugged in" without a weekly meeting, I haven't had much left to blog.

I just wanted to send out an update on the current status of Connecting Point Church, asking for your prayers as we pursue our official "launch." At this time we are pretty sure of about 75 adults who are committed to be "Founding Partners" of CPC! When you count their children and our students we have over 100 people. This is an awesome number to start a new work with. We have some very gifted, passionate, and enthused Core Leaders who are stepping up to take care of the necessary details for our House Churches and for our Corporate gatherings on Sundays.

Our Vision is a little different than most churches -- both established and new churches. As I have networked with several "Church-Planting Pastors" these past few weeks, I have been intrigued by their reaction to our Vision. So, what makes us different? I'm glad you asked. I will share a little bit here in this blog. If you want to know more visit our website:

While all New Testament churches place emphasis on Small Group ministries and missional work, for the most part, churches are evaluated by how many people we can get into a building one or more times a week; how much money we receive; and by how many buildings we construct. With Connecting Point Church, our primary goal is to establish viable, healthy Churches in people's Homes right in the very communities where we live. Instead of retreating to our private neighborhoods to escape the pressures of our hectice lives, we want to take the ministries to these places where genuine Christianity can take place at any time during the week instead of just one or two days a week.

While it will be a challenge to have homes that become places where vibrant ministries take place, I believe this is the future of the Christian church in these final days that we are on this earth. Every day the American government is becoming less tolearant of the "Corporate" version of Christianity we have constructed. As our many different denominational churches suffer persecution from big government, the Gospel ministry will become more subverse, taking place in the environments where we LIVE and WORK and PLAY-- 24/7!

I hope to continue sharing more about our progress in these next few weeks as Connecting Point Church becomes more clearly defined. After over 20 years in "Ministry" trying to do what the "Church" expected of me, I feel a sense of freedom and expectancy in stepping out on faith to follow God's lead as we strive to see our communities transformed by the Gospel. Stay tuned and I promise to do better about sharing on this wonderful media. Thanks for reading.