Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Update from Romania

If my memory serves me correctly (something less dependable in my 50’s) I believe this is my 6th trip to the country of Romania. I have tried to recollect what happened in my heart the first time I came to Romania that sparked an interest to return. I know God definitely had more in mind than I could have possibly imagined at that time. Ron Taffer, a friend and fellow minister, was God’s instrument to get me over to this country. I remember one day we stood in the middle of the street in a small village called Barbosi (pronounced Bar-Bosh), looked up along the beautiful countryside, and discussed whether or not we felt like this was a long-term assignment. I know that “Moment” must have been designed by God because it is still so fresh in my heart and mind after over 6 years.

We met together as a team on Sunday (by Team I mean our American team along with our Romanian partners) just to talk about the week, pray together and basically get better acquainted. There were many heart-felt words shared in that gathering and many tears shed as we poured out our hearts to God in prayer. This was another one of those times ordained by God because it was something that could not have been planned by me. I think the expectations for this trip were surrendered in that session (at least they were for me). And, it is such a great thing that God gave me this “redirect” time because the construction aspect of this trip will definitely not be what I had hoped for. In coming over here I thought that we would surely be able to complete the work on the bathroom. But, with the delay in getting materials and the work of the plumbers to get all the water ran to the bathroom as well as the drains for all the “exhaust” we may not even be able to complete the walls and get the toilet and sink installed. But that is OK! God has HIS own plan for this trip and I am just honored to be a part of it!!!

I think that times like this when things just don’t “come together” as we imagined, God has His own way to remind us that HE is in Charge! From the methods He chose to enter His own world and the way He accomplished the WAY for our Salvation, we understand that He alone can influence daily schemes of life to insure that His purposes will be accomplished. We all have a choice to make every day whether or not we will allow God to be in charge. However, none of us has control over the ways that God chooses to work things out according to His perfect design.

I am not sure where you are or what may be going on in your life at this time but I can assure you that God has your life in His thoughts and you are definitely on His heart constantly. He is working! And much of what He is doing may seem strange or may be unpleasant but I assure you that He knows exactly what He is doing. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday in Romania

Our worship service with our Romanian brothers and sisters was a blessing to our hearts this morning. Paul and Jennifer shared their testimonies together and then T.J. shared his story of how God has changed his life. It was a blessing to hear again how God has changed these special people who have made this incredible journey. We are privileged to share in such a special experience with the people here in Romania but also with the team members who are here together. It is my prayer that each of these who have come from America will grow closer to the Lord and to each other.

Through the years I have been blessed to go overseas many times with many different people. As I look back over these years it is amazing how many people there are who have gone with us who are now in full time mission work overseas. God can touch your heart on these kind of trips in ways that exceed anything else we have experienced with Him. I wonder if God will speak to any of our current team members about doing mission work full time? There are many needs here in the village of Sanger and it is just one of many villages with little or no Christian influence.

Please continue to pray for our team. So far everyone is doing well physically. We are eating good and I think everyone rested well last night. We will assemble our teams together this afternoon to worship and share together and to make plans for the week that awaits us. I am able to access the internet in the village now so I should be able to send more regular updates. May God bless you for reading this blog and for the thoughts and prayers you are sending up to Him for us.