Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Journey Continues

Connecting Point Church is beginning to take shape. We had our first information meeting last Sunday, July 25, in the scorching heat. I think the heat index was about 105 but the home made ice cream helped us survive. I was blessed that approximately 75 adults and children showed up. There was definitely a sweet spirit in our gathering as we began sharing some of the details about our NEW ADVENTURE. There were some wonderful questions asked affirming that people are making this step of faith with "eyes wide open." We are not chasing some silly dream or trying to find the "greener grass." I believe God is "CALLING" out a People who sincerely want to be a part of something so challenging that we know God will have to do it!

WE have our second Information Meeting at the same shelter this Sunday evening (Westside Park). This week we are meeting at 7:00 instead of 6:00 so hopefully it will be cooler. At this meeting we are going to talk more specifically about the "House Church Movement." The more I read and study the more convinced I am that this is the future! The generation we are striving to reach are tired of the whole persona of the organized church. At the same time, people who have been a part of the church for years are growing more and more disinterested in "business as usual." Author and conference speaker Reggie McNeal says:
"People are not leaving the church because they have no faith;
they are leaving to preserve their faith."
I read another statement by a leader in the House Church Movement who, like me thought we could reform the organized church. He pointed out how God has not called us to REFORM the Reformation. He has called us to Make Disciples! Our model doesn't work and hasn't for years.

God has stirred my heart so many times over the years to just break free from the constraints of man-made expectations of Pastors to pursue what God designed me to do. As a popular song says: "I believe I can fly!" I am ready to take a leap with full assurance that God will hold us up, lead us, provide for us, and use us to reach those who are far from Him!