Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are We There Yet?

As "vacation" season approaches, for some families with children there will no doubt be some "road trips" as we travel to our desired destinations. I'm sure all of us can recall days when we sat in automobiles for what seemed like an eternity because we so wanted to get to the beach, lake, mountains, Disney World, etc. I remember when it seemed like "forever" just to ride 45 minutes to the lake! And we all remember those patience-testing questions asked so often by children:
"Are we there yet?" or "How much longer?"

What's the point of bringing this to our minds? As I was meditating and thinking about all the chaos that is evident in our world, I thought for a moment about this question: "Are we even getting close to where we are supposed to be going as a society?" And then this question surfaced: "Where are we going anyway?" It is certain that if we are unsure about where we are going we will have no idea when we get there or even if we are headed in the right direction! (I can attest to the aggravation of driving in the wrong direction for too long before realizing it! This is especially stressful for those of us who seem so consumed with the "good time" we make on our journeys!!) -- sorry, I digress.

Our World is made up of so many different views about where we are supposed to be going that I am not even sure it would be possible for us to ever achieve any kind of unified direction on what we are even striving for. For example, if your passion is "World Peace," what would be different in our world if we were all "At Peace?" (by Peace I mean being without any wars) What would change as far as our future existence? Would we be kinder to each other and in less of a hurry to get nowhere? Would our lives then take on new meaning? Would we find a different reason to FEEL GOOD about mankind?

Or, let's say your passion is Conservation. If we all took seriously the conservation of our Natural Resources and recycled (and we should) how would that change our society/culture? Would taking better care of "Mother Earth" cause people to be kinder to each other? etc. Or, would the greatest benefit be that we enjoy our lives a little more while we are here and then leave a better habitat for future generations? While that is a noble cause, I maintain that it is not enough. Life on a cleaner earth will still end. Then what?

If your passion is technology or economics or health care or sports/recreation, etc. the question I have is what REAL DIFFERENCE will it make for all the hours and expertise we invest in our fields? Don't hear what I am not saying -- please. I am not saying that all of these are not worthy causes. What I am saying is that, with all the attention and money and human resources that are expended every year on these things, we are not any closer to reaching the UTOPIA that humanists have told us since the 19th Century that we could reach! We are frantically pursuing worthwhile interests that are going to make absolutely NO difference in our personal reality once our time on earth is finished!

In a world where my position on life, ethics, social policy, etc. is disqualified because of my Christian perspective I simply ask the question: How are the Liberals/Progressives helping us achieve whatever it is that they think we are supposed to be working for? I am open to any ideas that may better the world I live in but the sad reality is that our pundits from Washington, D.C. to City Hall continue to try policies after policies that do little more than line their pockets with more money or achieve more power for them. Under our present system, the world does nothing but get worse as time quickly passes by!

Are we now living in the world that our great-grandparents fought for? Are we realizing the American Dream that so many Men and Women have given their lives for? How long will we continue to believe in a system of government that is broken? (not to mention is unconstitutional) You may not agree with my position as a Follower of Jesus Christ. But, those who radically oppose this viable position offer no solutions for mankind's many dilemmas! I would just like to hear the "no-spin" response from progressives to this question: "ARE WE THERE YET?" If true Americans will listen, we may just find out that our leaders don't know what to do because they are not even sure where we are going!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Put the Important Ahead of the Urgent

Do you ever feel like there is just not enough time in the day to accomplish all that should be done? Have you ever had great plans for your day only to have them sabotaged by "urgent" things that come up? Does it frustrate you when things just don't go as you hoped or even diligently planned for them to transpire? Does it make you want to stop planning? There are many times that I PLAN ON writing on this blog site but then get sidetracked doing other things and just never seem to get back to it.

I have been speaking for the past 4 weeks on a subject that is critical for anyone who wants to be a Follower of Jesus. The series is called "The Courts of the Lord" where we focused attention on why and how to spend Time Alone With God every day. This is absolutely essential for our spiritual growth and development. I find that, in our social structure, this TIME of quiet respite with our Lord is one of the hardest disciplines to stick with. I have found over these last few months what a renewed T.A.W.G. can do for every area of our lives. When I "SIT" still long enough for God to speak to my heart, the benefits are beyond description.

Jeremiah 29:11 declares that God has a Master Plan for all of our lives. Only those who "SEEK" after God's Plan will actually find it. It's not like God is playing games with us or takes any joy in withholding this valuable information. On the contrary, He says in this section of Scripture that He wants to be found! The only thing is that we have to WANT to FIND HIM more than we want to 'get ahead' or 'be successful' or 'be entertained', etc. SEEKING God is a life-pursuit that must become a central focus of our daily lives. It is the IMPORTANT that must overrule the URGENT things that come into our daily lives.

God revealed something incredible to me in the final message of this series: NOTHING ESCAPES GOD'S OMNISCIENCE AND NOTHING EXCEEDS HIS OMNIPOTENCE! This was a statement I wrote into the final message that was no doubt given to me by God. It is just a quick reminder that God knows exactly where you are concerning your life situation; that He knows exactly what He has planned for your life; and that He is waiting on us to "STAY" in His presence long enough for Him to communicate His plans to us!

Set a time and pick a quiet place. Open the Bible and keep a journal. Your journey to God's BEST in your life awaits. Don't delay, start today!