Thursday, December 30, 2010
Happy New Year
Humanity has argued various ideals concerning origins for centuries. With each passing generation the postulates get more complicated, producing more questions than answers. Embracing the "Young Earth" theory has long been regarded as the "unenlightened" position because it is primarily based on faith. Yet, for those of us who hold to the FAITH in One God who Created everything, we are very concerned about the End of Time -- that is just as certain as the beginning.
Unless something drastic happens we will start writing 2011 on our checks, school projects, and other items that require a date. We will continue moving forward on this "Linear" line towards the ultimate END, numbed by day-to-day"LIFE" to the certainty that we are all going to leave this earth -- at a time that is unknown to us.
So, how can we be functional in the "Real World" while at the same time knowing that this is not our Final Destination? I think there is great value to the "here and now" when we cognitively face the reality of our END. When our perspective is shaped by what we know is inevitable, we love deeper, pay more attention to the sunrise/sunset, take time to help someone in need, etc. If you were to draw this "Linear" line in your imagination then it would be easier to experience the positive effects of this knowledge on our day-to-day activities. You never get an opportunity to live on the same part of the line twice. And, I believe at every place on this line (in our brief earthly existence) our investment or "Mark" on temporal life will be measured.
Looking ahead to what is unknown is not very helpful (like the uselessness of making New Year's Resolutions) unless we allow what we know about the unknown to shape what we DO with each of our TODAYS! Establish a DAILY LOG to remind yourself each day that it is another opportunity to put something positive on the line. And, on days when we really 'blow it,' we can start again with each new day to make improvements. I hope some of my rantings and choppy thoughts help you look ahead to that which will come! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
TIMING is Everything
I think there is more going on than just another Holiday Season that promises fun for many; family gatherings; some who will worship the Christ-Child; etc. Then everything climaxes on December 25th followed by a crash on the 26th. One of the many lessons we can draw from the Christmas story that has gained much of my "thought" time this year is how God sent His Son into the world AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME! When we stop to consider the "TIMING" of Jesus' Advent -- in light of our modern, technologically enlightened world -- it is a mystery why God would choose a time period when things were so difficult and mass communication was very limited. Yet, even without all the "wonders" of our advanced society, God managed to spread the word throughout the world that His SALVATION had come to the world. He accomplished everything that needed to be done in such a way that no other explanation could be given than this: "GOD HIMSELF CAME TO HIS WORLD AS A HUMAN BEING." No one can take credit for the fact that we are still worshiping and marveling over His Advent Story hundreds of years later. It is so unsophisticated and far removed from our modern realities, but still amazes those who pause to gaze into the wonder and majesty of how it happened.
This season also signifies the end of yet another year and the beginning of a new one. I think it is pretty cool how God's "TIMING" is seen in this arrangement. The Christmas Season, no matter how you view it or celebrate it, allows us some time to break from hectic routines, enjoy family and friends, reflect on the year we are leaving behind and look ahead to the prospects of a New Year. I encourage you to STOP and consider the manner in which God chose to enter His world. Maybe He has something incredible to show us but He is waiting for us to stop long enough to listen. I can assure you that God is not impressed by our latest and greatest technological discoveries! He is the author of ETERNAL JOY, not temporary fascinations. The angels spoke to some shepherds and gave a message that is for every month of the year, not just the end of December: "JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD HAS COME!"
Friday, November 26, 2010
Just Rambling
The honest truth is that I am usually too exhausted to even thinking about putting something on this blog that may in some way resemble coherence. I shared with some of my friends how I was planning to try and do some painting on the side to supplement the income I am receiving from our new church plant -- Connecting Point Church ( I have been working a lot more hours during the week than I had originally planned on doing and it is really taking its toll on me physically. I try to get up early in the morning to study, pray, journal, etc. and then plan on reading and studying some more when I get home in the evening. My age is proving to be a factor in my efforts to keep everything going. (fall asleep in the evenings)
One of the areas I feel is not what it could be or should be is my preparation of messages for our weekly, Corporate gathering. While our church is primarily focusing on building House Churches in the communities where we live, we are meeting together as a big group for Corporate Worship, Prayer, Fellowship, and to Give our tithes and offerings. This is supposed to be my time to keep our vision fresh and help our people stay motivated in building the Community House Churches.
I am writing this blog on Friday of this much needed Thanksgiving break. It is crazy to think that Christmas time is here and that 2010 is almost over. I really don't think I can wait until the first of the year to start anything new. (In case you're wondering I have also returned to less desirable physical shape due to working all the time and not eating right and not having time to go to the gym) I am ready to gain more control of my discretionary time. There are way too many organizational tools at my disposal for me to continue 'running my race' this way. If you are reading this and have any suggestions that would prove to be helpful I am all ears.
I hope you have had a Happy Thanksgiving and will continue to enjoy this Holiday season!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
And Now We Vote
It is not only my duty but my privilege to vote today. I am very proud to be an American and I thank God for allowing me to be born in this country. Having said that I also want to say how convicted I am for not being a better "manager" of God's resources that He has entrusted to me. After being in the poor villages of Romania again I have a fresh perspective on how much we have in comparison to so many in the world. I just wish every Christian living in America's luxuries could go and experience the love and generosity of people who have nothing (when compared to what we have).
In the past year or two much has been said about President Obama's statement that America is not a Christian nation. So many Christ-Followers are offended by this statement but, I am sad to say, he is right. We are not a Christian nation! A nation could only be classified as "Christian" if it was Christ-like. Or, at best, we could only claim Christian status if our government unashamedly made significant decisions based on Christian principles, after spending time in prayer to request God's help in making these decisions. We all know that this is NOT happening! (And never will)
The greater burden for me is not that my country is NOT CHRISTIAN; but, my burden is how UnChristian the Church can be. What would happen if all churches who profess Jesus as Lord and Savior were operating in this world strictly by 'Christian Standards?' In response to this question one author stated -- "The world would be standing at the doors of our church buildings begging to access the Love of Christ they have witnessed in us." Something to think about!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Connecting Point Church
The primary difference in what we are striving to do involves our efforts to move the concept of what it means to 'go to church' into very practical methods of 'BEING THE CHURCH.' Jesus commissioned us to GO and make disciples. There is nothing in the New Testament to support our continual emphasis on "Gathering" in a building in contrast to GOING into our everyday lives with the LIGHT of CHRIST shining brightly in and through us. The end result is our emphasis on what we call "COMMUNITY HOUSE CHURCHES." At this time we have 8 House Churches meeting in different communities each week. While we have not had a designated place to GATHER as a church family on Sundays, our House Churches have been meeting and are doing some amazing things.
One of our House Churches placed a prayer notebook at the end of their driveway and passed the word through their community for people who needed and wanted prayer to simply write their request in the book and their House Church would pray for them. FANTASTIC! Several of our House Churches are hosting "Trunk or Treat" activities right there in the communities where they meet each week. This will allow them to not only provide a safe alternative to Halloween but also to share the vision of the House Church movement. This is something that I believe has just begun!! The visionary thinking of those who are in our House Churches is just beginning. My prayer is that more people will "Catch the Vision" and open their Houses for the Church to meet in so that their neighbors who would never attend an organized church meeting can have the opportunity to experience the love of Christ in very practical ways.
Pray for us to be faithful to God as we look to Him for leadership in this brand new adventure. We are meeting for the first time in a facility that may become our place for Sunday worship, music rehearsals, meetings, Youth worship services, etc. The lease payment is manageable for our church but there needs to be a lot of construction done inside to make it functional for our needs. I will share more with as time goes on. Thanks for reading and for praying.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Romania Missions
God is revealing a renewed sense of His Vision for this work. With our existing partnership in tact, we now have the opportunity to partner with a dynamic ministry where Missions is a regular part of their DNA. I have struggled with trying to provide leadership where the cultural dynamics are so different than they are here in our country. I believe we all want the same things but there is a differentiation in how to go about accomplishing the dream.
At this time I believe God wants us to begin planning on taking two trips to Romania in 2011. I also believe it is time to share the opportunities for Mission work in this part of Romania with other Mission-Minded churches so that more resources can be accessed. Our small band of Believers have been able to accomplish some things in Romania. But, there is so much more that needs to be done; much more than our small group can resource.
It is nothing short of miraculous what God has already done in and through us in this Romanian partnership. I stand amazed that a simple country boy like me has been able to travel around this world and meet some wonderful people who are so close to my heart now. I feel as though I have family all over the world. I was in Brazil on a mission trip in 1990 and a few months ago my translator while on that trip found me online. We have been talking periodically since then. Our hearts were knit together by our partnership in the Gospel Ministry 20 years ago and those feelings of brotherhood are still strong.
Please join me in praying for the work that still needs to be done in the village of Sanger, in Northern Romania. This is a place where opportunities and blessings await those who have a desire to serve God with any talents you may have. No one is too old (we have taken people in their 70's) and no one is too young (our last trip included an 8 year old boy). There is always something for everyone to do. As I have stated in the past, if you have any interest in being a part of Romanian Missions please let me know. You can email me: Please don't hesitate to follow God's call. You will not regret it!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Musing on Romania
As I write this blog our team is preparing to start our long journey back home. We have spent the better part of two days enjoying some great fellowship, eating some great food, and just having fun with our Romanian partners in this ministry. I have not watched any television since our arrival in Cluj last week. When you are not constantly in front of the TV it is amazing how much time there is to share in people’s lives. Our Romanian friends love to laugh and sing. They play some silly games but it is fun just to watch how people react. I laugh so deeply when I am hanging out with these precious people.
I believe our worship experience here in Cluj was a blessing for our team yesterday. We shared in the evening service with our Romanian partners who worked in the camps with us. Matt, Jennifer McCurley and Justin shared their testimonies. They did a great job. Then we attempted to sing “Our God is a Mighty God” in Romanian. That was interesting. I was asked to share a message about how important it is for us to build a strong Christian foundation into our children. They had so many children present and their children’s choir, praise ensemble (older children singing with microphones) and a young girl who played the violin blessed our hearts. They have so many gifted children in their church. It was a great service!
This is the time when my thoughts are dominated by evaluating the work here in Romania. I ask myself many times how long this partnership will continue and how much further the Lord would have me to go with it. When I am at home I get overwhelmed many times by the costs of taking these trips. This makes me think it is something I should stop doing. Then, when I am here I feel like the Lord wants me to go and share the vision with many of my Pastor friends and ask for their support. I would love to see more churches get involved in bringing teams here to do ministry.
Since my perspective is always different upon returning to the American lifestyle, I am resolved in my heart and mind today that God is in charge of the things that are unknown to us. As long as God continues to make the needs here known and continues to provide resources for the work that needs to be done, I will continue to do whatever He instructs. I have been to Romania enough times now that I can be assured that my motivation for continuing is not just to get the opportunity to travel and see the world (even though this is something I do love). God has spoken deeply into my heart while here in this great country. He has convicted me concerning my own personal walk with Him and the amount of time I am spending in His Word. In the past I would spend hours studying God's Word in preparation for preaching. This is something that has been neglected and I will be changing this.
I have also been convicted how accepting we are in our churches of things that are highly offensive to our Holy God. The more we compromise on His holiness the less of His power we will see. We need to learn a lesson from our Romanian brothers and sisters on praying both in our personal times with God and in our worship services. It is ironic that we are coming here to help them and in reality we are the ones who need to be helped.
Update from Sanger
Another week of working in the village of Sanger, Romania has come to an end. The weeks do pass by very quickly but after everything is finished, I am very exhausted and ready to start the long journey towards home. We leave this small farming community and head back to Cluj which is one of the larger cities in the country of Romania. We will spend the rest of our Saturday and Sunday with some very precious and hospitable friends. We will worship with one of the fastest growing churches in Romania (Christian churches). The Pastor and I have become wonderful friends. He has graciously welcomed me into his home and allowed me to preach in his pulpit each time I have come to Romania. I always look forward to seeing him and his family.
Many times when I am at home I think how difficult it is to make this journey. For those who come, great financial sacrifice is made. This includes not only the costs involved in making this journey but also the loss of income while we are here. Each time we come I have men who are self-employed to come and help me with construction. Not only are they giving up two weeks of gainful employment but their employees also have to make a sacrifice. Considering all these costs it makes me wonder if this is something I should continue. Then I come back and hug some of the most loving children I’ve ever been around. I witness genuine, deep-seated JOY among Christians who have so little of the world’s possessions. I listen to people pray and, even though I cannot understand a word they say, I am moved beyond description. They pour their hearts out to God in prayer.
I many times think how far we have come to help our Brothers and Sisters in Christ and to share God’s loving salvation with any who will listen. Our journey (one way) is a little over 5,000 miles. But it is actually God Himself who traveled the greatest distance to help us. He came all the way from eternity, from the realms of His own glorious Kingdom so that we might have a way to be made right with our Creator. His reward for traveling such a long distance was scorn, rejection, persecution, suffering and death. In light of our Lord’s great sacrifice I realize how little I have done by coming to this country to help people who have now become very precious to my heart.
It never fails that when I come here my blessings are much more pronounced than the ones received by those whom we are here to assist. The Bible says that it is more blessed to give than to receive. There is no doubt that this is the TRUTH! The future for this village in Romania is growing brighter because of God’s goodness to me and so many other Believers I am privileged to share my earthly journey with.
I hope this is only the beginning of greater things to come in Romania. I hope to go back home and fervently strive to raise funds and recruit laborers so that we can make this dream of a Christian camp and retreat center a reality in the village of Sanger. With a place for young people to come any time they want to play, learn about the love of God through Christ, and grow up with concerned, caring adults the Kingdom of Heaven will grow stronger in this oppressed section in Northern Europe. I ask for your prayers and am not ashamed to ask for your financial support. And, if you want a renewed perspective on how blessed we are in America, make plans to make this journey with us – perhaps as soon as May or June of next year.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Update from Romania
If my memory serves me correctly (something less dependable in my 50’s) I believe this is my 6th trip to the country of Romania. I have tried to recollect what happened in my heart the first time I came to Romania that sparked an interest to return. I know God definitely had more in mind than I could have possibly imagined at that time. Ron Taffer, a friend and fellow minister, was God’s instrument to get me over to this country. I remember one day we stood in the middle of the street in a small village called Barbosi (pronounced Bar-Bosh), looked up along the beautiful countryside, and discussed whether or not we felt like this was a long-term assignment. I know that “Moment” must have been designed by God because it is still so fresh in my heart and mind after over 6 years.
We met together as a team on Sunday (by Team I mean our American team along with our Romanian partners) just to talk about the week, pray together and basically get better acquainted. There were many heart-felt words shared in that gathering and many tears shed as we poured out our hearts to God in prayer. This was another one of those times ordained by God because it was something that could not have been planned by me. I think the expectations for this trip were surrendered in that session (at least they were for me). And, it is such a great thing that God gave me this “redirect” time because the construction aspect of this trip will definitely not be what I had hoped for. In coming over here I thought that we would surely be able to complete the work on the bathroom. But, with the delay in getting materials and the work of the plumbers to get all the water ran to the bathroom as well as the drains for all the “exhaust” we may not even be able to complete the walls and get the toilet and sink installed. But that is OK! God has HIS own plan for this trip and I am just honored to be a part of it!!!
I think that times like this when things just don’t “come together” as we imagined, God has His own way to remind us that HE is in Charge! From the methods He chose to enter His own world and the way He accomplished the WAY for our Salvation, we understand that He alone can influence daily schemes of life to insure that His purposes will be accomplished. We all have a choice to make every day whether or not we will allow God to be in charge. However, none of us has control over the ways that God chooses to work things out according to His perfect design.
I am not sure where you are or what may be going on in your life at this time but I can assure you that God has your life in His thoughts and you are definitely on His heart constantly. He is working! And much of what He is doing may seem strange or may be unpleasant but I assure you that He knows exactly what He is doing. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday in Romania
Through the years I have been blessed to go overseas many times with many different people. As I look back over these years it is amazing how many people there are who have gone with us who are now in full time mission work overseas. God can touch your heart on these kind of trips in ways that exceed anything else we have experienced with Him. I wonder if God will speak to any of our current team members about doing mission work full time? There are many needs here in the village of Sanger and it is just one of many villages with little or no Christian influence.
Please continue to pray for our team. So far everyone is doing well physically. We are eating good and I think everyone rested well last night. We will assemble our teams together this afternoon to worship and share together and to make plans for the week that awaits us. I am able to access the internet in the village now so I should be able to send more regular updates. May God bless you for reading this blog and for the thoughts and prayers you are sending up to Him for us.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Safely in Romania
We will begin our construction work and the children's camps on Monday. We are looking forward to seeing the children again. Some of them have been at the church today. They are the ones who make this work so rewarding. Please pray for us to get some things completed on the building. But, most of all pray for us to do something positive in someone's life that will make a difference in their eternity! We are here now and the opportunities are in front of us. With God's help we can see God do something that will bring GLORY to HIM!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Heading Back to Romania
That's really like our lives. Sometimes the journey to our destination is not that enjoyable but we are willing to take it anyway because of the experiences we anticipate. Maybe we are supposed to be more "in tune" on the less desirable parts of our journey. There are probably many things God is trying to teach us. Please say a prayer for us as we embark on this long journey. We await what God has planned for us but also want to experience all that He has planned on the journey. Gotta go get on the plane.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The "Infancy" stages of Connecting Point Church are not following the course we conceived and even announced for many weeks. It seemed apparent over 10 weeks ago that we would be meeting at Carolina High School's brand new facilities. Everything seemed just perfect. Unfortunately things did not transpire according to "Our Plan" so we are now searching for a physical place for our smalll group of Christ-Followers to meet for Corporate Worship on Sundays.
We are working on several options. At this phase of our Church's existence it is not feasible to even consider leasing a facility. We have no track record of financial stability to even be considered for this kind of arrangement. We have submitted a request form to the leadership at Greenville Tech's new campus -- Northwest. The facilities are extremely nice and there is a County park on the campus! We could get excited and say that this must be the reason God "closed the door" at Carolina. But, this may lead to confusion IF this possibility never materializes. Then we will need to make more...
While I certainly don't know what God has planned in His future-plan, I am convinced more now than ever that our VISION to move "The Church" away from a Geographical location into the communities where we live is exactly what God wants! (see our website for a detailed explanation for our Community House Churches -- We have placed so much emphasis on Assembling in a large building each Sunday that it seems unnatural to be at home on a Sunday morning. I hope our Core leaders are strengthened in our resolve to "BE THE CHURCH WHERE WE LIVE" instead of worrying that we didn't "GO TO CHURCH!"
Whether you are trying to do something for God or just trying to navigate the landscapes of life on earth, you too will need to make ADJUSTMENTS. In writing this aritcle I had to stop and ask the Lord what areas of my personal life need some ADJUSTING. Just like an automobile cannot drive itself, we cannot just allow our lives to take whatever course the world determines. God has given us a great tool to keep our lives out of the ditches of life -- THE BIBLE! When we are lost on the highway, our GPS or the old fashioned map can help get us back on track. Trust me, the Word of God is the only time-tested resource to keep us on God's path. Open it today and make the ADJUSTMENTS that God reveals.
Pray for Connecting Point Church as we seek to ADJUST to whatever God has for us!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Special Days
For some reason it seems like most of these memories are tied to negative or tragic events. Today I am delighted to share another pivotal moment that happened in our lives (i.e. Lisa and I) and I remember exactly where I was. Today is our daughter Ashley's 18th birthday! This life-changing event for us is one of those "I will never forget where I was" times. I can still hear the doctor say "It's a girl" when we felt positive that we would have another boy. (Yes, we actually waited until she was born to know her gender). I immediately started thinking what it would be like to have a daughter. I thought, "I've got to get a gun because boys will want to come over and see her!" (This wasn't my first thought but I was repulsed at the thought of some boy getting a piece of my daughter's heart).
Many things have happened through these 18 years that have shaped who we all are. Ashley is a wonderful young lady, full of life and still bringing so much joy to her Mom and I. We just hope this is a wonderful day for Ashley. We miss her very much now that she is in college but are so proud of the young woman she is becoming.
This special day is a reminder for me how quickly time passes by and how easy it is to miss out on the best times of our lives because we are preoccupied with things that will never be talked about when we die. Faith, family, friends, etc. are the ingredients of LIFE! While there are many mistakes I regret in these last 18 years of parenting I can honestly say that we have loved Ashley with all our hearts and have tried to spend quality time with her through the years. One of the greatest commentaries on parenting is when your adult children want to come home and be around you. I hope our friendship with our adult children will grow stronger through the years.
Happy Birthday "Baby Girl!"
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Connecting Point Church Update
I just wanted to send out an update on the current status of Connecting Point Church, asking for your prayers as we pursue our official "launch." At this time we are pretty sure of about 75 adults who are committed to be "Founding Partners" of CPC! When you count their children and our students we have over 100 people. This is an awesome number to start a new work with. We have some very gifted, passionate, and enthused Core Leaders who are stepping up to take care of the necessary details for our House Churches and for our Corporate gatherings on Sundays.
Our Vision is a little different than most churches -- both established and new churches. As I have networked with several "Church-Planting Pastors" these past few weeks, I have been intrigued by their reaction to our Vision. So, what makes us different? I'm glad you asked. I will share a little bit here in this blog. If you want to know more visit our website:
While all New Testament churches place emphasis on Small Group ministries and missional work, for the most part, churches are evaluated by how many people we can get into a building one or more times a week; how much money we receive; and by how many buildings we construct. With Connecting Point Church, our primary goal is to establish viable, healthy Churches in people's Homes right in the very communities where we live. Instead of retreating to our private neighborhoods to escape the pressures of our hectice lives, we want to take the ministries to these places where genuine Christianity can take place at any time during the week instead of just one or two days a week.
While it will be a challenge to have homes that become places where vibrant ministries take place, I believe this is the future of the Christian church in these final days that we are on this earth. Every day the American government is becoming less tolearant of the "Corporate" version of Christianity we have constructed. As our many different denominational churches suffer persecution from big government, the Gospel ministry will become more subverse, taking place in the environments where we LIVE and WORK and PLAY-- 24/7!
I hope to continue sharing more about our progress in these next few weeks as Connecting Point Church becomes more clearly defined. After over 20 years in "Ministry" trying to do what the "Church" expected of me, I feel a sense of freedom and expectancy in stepping out on faith to follow God's lead as we strive to see our communities transformed by the Gospel. Stay tuned and I promise to do better about sharing on this wonderful media. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Growth Dynamics

It is a good question! Believe me I have been surprised myself that the watermelons have grown so well and have tasted so good. Then, just as I'm feeling kind of proud at how good they turned out, I am reminded that something much more in depth is involved in the privilege of enjoying this harvest. For one, it is amazing that we can place a seed in some soil and watch as green plants emerge from dirt! Don't get me wrong, I did a lot of work plowing, preparing and fertilizing the soil. I even subsidized the needed water when it didn't fall from the sky. But, without the dynamics that occur between that seed and the nutrients in that soil (with the addition of sunlight, warm soil, and water), there would be no FRUIT to enjoy!
As most of you know ("You" meaning my host of 9 or 10 readers) I am in the process of partnering together with a group of dedicated Christ-Followers to "Plant" a New Church. The church is called "Connecting Point Church" and will be launching public worship services the first Sunday in October. We will meet at Carolina High School in Greenville, SC. (Ok that's my commercial). In these days of preparation and anticipation there always seems to be the lingering question: "I wonder if this will work?" In essence the question entertains the issue of success or failure; making it or dissolving; etc.
The more I thought about how wonderful those watermelons turned out this year because of God's dynamics of botanical miracles, in the same way, whether or not any church survives and becomes PRODUCTIVE depends on God's dynamics. There are many things we can do to get ready for God's blessings but He is the only one who can actually make anything grow. To settle a dispute in the church over people who followed human leaders, Paul made this statement: "I planted the seed and Apollos watered it, BUT GOD MADE IT GROW!" (1 Cor. 3:6) There certainly has to be planting, plowing, cultivating, watering, etc. but it is only God that can make things grow!
This same principle applies to every aspect of our lives here on earth. Whether it is our work, career, family, etc. we all have a part to play but it is always God that determines the outcome! I have every intention of doing my part and pray that our Partners will do their part as well. But, we can all rest assured that our perception of success or failure rests in the internal dynamics that are completely in God's control! Do your part in whatever life-situation you may find yourself and let God take care of the part that you and I have no control over!! Let me know if you need some watermelon.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Journey Continues
WE have our second Information Meeting at the same shelter this Sunday evening (Westside Park). This week we are meeting at 7:00 instead of 6:00 so hopefully it will be cooler. At this meeting we are going to talk more specifically about the "House Church Movement." The more I read and study the more convinced I am that this is the future! The generation we are striving to reach are tired of the whole persona of the organized church. At the same time, people who have been a part of the church for years are growing more and more disinterested in "business as usual." Author and conference speaker Reggie McNeal says:
God has stirred my heart so many times over the years to just break free from the constraints of man-made expectations of Pastors to pursue what God designed me to do. As a popular song says: "I believe I can fly!" I am ready to take a leap with full assurance that God will hold us up, lead us, provide for us, and use us to reach those who are far from Him!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Connecting Point Church
Don't get me wrong, I love both of the churches God has allowed me to serve! I have met some of the greatest people in the world and have made lifetime friends (eternal relationships!). I in no way put down any of the churches I have served or any of the established churches many of my dear friends serve as Pastor. My calling in this stage of my life has become more and more passionate for those who have never heard or experienced the TRANSFORMING POWER OF JESUS CHRIST. In order to get those who need Jesus the most to listen to His Message, I believe we have to "earn the right to be heard."
Basically I mean that we have to demonstrate our claim that we really want people who are far from God to come near to His loving embrace. If we claim that we want these "lost" souls to know Jesus then we have to seek practical, loving methods of demonstrating this desire. This will cost us something! It takes time, energy, money, and a willingness to be humiliated for Jesus to get His message of LIGHT to the DARKEST corridors of our world! In organized churches we became so "busy" working for God that we just didn't have any time left over to take a cake to our neighbor who had surgery, or cut our neighbor's grass while he was on vacation! (as well as numerous other practical ways that we can show the love of Christ to our world)
For the next few days, weeks and months I will be sharing the progress of this exciting new journey on this blog. The name of our NEW Church will be: CONNECTING POINT CHURCH. Another amazing thing about this adventure is that it looks like we will be meeting for a period of time in the High School where me and many of our Core group graduated. The facilities are brand new but the name and location are the same. I am excited about this because I rebelled against God in my last two years of High School. To have the opportunity to go back and preach on the same campus where I denied my Lord over 30 years ago is nothing but a God thing.
I ask for your prayers as we take this journey. I have never done anything like this before so I am both excited and a little tense. Some of the things that I have tried to work on this week have not materialized so pray for me to have complete trust in God's Sovereignty in this "birthing" experience. Stay tuned for more information about CONNECTING POINT CHURCH.