Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Time in a Bottle"

At my current age and status in life (i.e. "Empty Nest") it seems that we talk a lot about how quickly time passes. In reality we know that "TIME" always proceeds at the same pace -- chronologically speaking. Our perspective on the passing of time is what changes as we get older. Likewise, our current circumstances seem to play a major role in how we "feel" about the passing of time. When we are really enjoying our life the "TIME" seems to pass by much more rapidly than when our journey in life is very difficult. So, we can say that our "Emotional Status" has a major role in how we view the passing of time.

My wife and I have often commented on how quickly our children grew up. It "seems like yesterday" when they were young and when our lifestyle was largely influenced by their presence in our home. In a way we are saddened by the fact that our children have moved on. Even though we have all the fond memories of their "growing up" years, it is hard sometimes not to wish things could go back to when they were younger. (And we were younger too!)

As I thought about how these times of nostalgia can bring as much sadness as happiness, it occurred to me how our perspective on the passing of time is influenced by what has already been -- i.e. The Past. It is impossible to 're-live' those moments that have passed. We can only truly LIVE in the Present! When "passed moments" are very positive and happy we can find ourselves living in them instead of abiding in the wonderment of what we commonly refer to as TODAY. When our "hopes" for a better tomorrow become less than realistic then we tend to avoid and/or miss out on what can be experienced in our Amazing TODAY.

I had no choice concerning when I would enter this 'continuum' called LIFE and I have no choice when my TIME on earth will end. But, between these two points, my choices are limitless. If you could choose between certainty in the details of your life on earth or certainty of life after death, which would you choose? To be honest, our choice on this key issue reflects our perspective on "TIME." Time is a rare and precious commodity; deserving of our best effort in each second that we are privileged to have. Maxing out our NOW involves both our past experiences and future expectations. And, by the way, you can influence what you will do forever by what you do TODAY!

{If you have time go to and search for Jim Croce's song "Time in a Bottle." Listen to the lyrics and enjoy the melody as you think about your perspectives on time.}

Friday, September 16, 2011

Coming Back

I have had some ideas lately to blog about but just can't seem to find the block of time necessary to get them written. Life has been extremely hectic over these past couple of months since we returned from our Romania mission trip. I am working to build a small business while simultaneously working with a wonderful group of people in a New Church start. (cf.

Since it has been so long since I have written anything I thought it would be best to see if anyone is out there who might be interested in reading. I write a daily devotional thought for our website -- Monday through Friday. It is under the heading "R.A.B.U." (means Rooted And Built UP); teach a small group Bible study at Connecting Point Prince Perry on Wednesday nights; (one of our 8 House Churches) and prepare Bible lessons for our Sunday gatherings. With all this and doing manual labor sometimes for 7 to 9 hours a day, blogging just has not been on the "top" of my list.

What I really want to do is try and find out if anyone is still out there who may be remotely interested in reading things that I may write in the future. It may sound strange but I would like to get an idea of how many people are interested in reading. So, if you don't mind, just comment on this post by simply saying, "Write and I'll read" or whatever else you want to say. Also, let me know what kind of things seem most helpful to you when you do take the time to read blogs.
