It is a good question! Believe me I have been surprised myself that the watermelons have grown so well and have tasted so good. Then, just as I'm feeling kind of proud at how good they turned out, I am reminded that something much more in depth is involved in the privilege of enjoying this harvest. For one, it is amazing that we can place a seed in some soil and watch as green plants emerge from dirt! Don't get me wrong, I did a lot of work plowing, preparing and fertilizing the soil. I even subsidized the needed water when it didn't fall from the sky. But, without the dynamics that occur between that seed and the nutrients in that soil (with the addition of sunlight, warm soil, and water), there would be no FRUIT to enjoy!
As most of you know ("You" meaning my host of 9 or 10 readers) I am in the process of partnering together with a group of dedicated Christ-Followers to "Plant" a New Church. The church is called "Connecting Point Church" and will be launching public worship services the first Sunday in October. We will meet at Carolina High School in Greenville, SC. (Ok that's my commercial). In these days of preparation and anticipation there always seems to be the lingering question: "I wonder if this will work?" In essence the question entertains the issue of success or failure; making it or dissolving; etc.
The more I thought about how wonderful those watermelons turned out this year because of God's dynamics of botanical miracles, in the same way, whether or not any church survives and becomes PRODUCTIVE depends on God's dynamics. There are many things we can do to get ready for God's blessings but He is the only one who can actually make anything grow. To settle a dispute in the church over people who followed human leaders, Paul made this statement: "I planted the seed and Apollos watered it, BUT GOD MADE IT GROW!" (1 Cor. 3:6) There certainly has to be planting, plowing, cultivating, watering, etc. but it is only God that can make things grow!
This same principle applies to every aspect of our lives here on earth. Whether it is our work, career, family, etc. we all have a part to play but it is always God that determines the outcome! I have every intention of doing my part and pray that our Partners will do their part as well. But, we can all rest assured that our perception of success or failure rests in the internal dynamics that are completely in God's control! Do your part in whatever life-situation you may find yourself and let God take care of the part that you and I have no control over!! Let me know if you need some watermelon.