Saturday, October 16, 2010

Safely in Romania

I only have a few minutes to share so I just wanted to let everyone know that we are safely in Romania. It has been good to see our wonderful friends here and to meet new people. When we arrived on Friday there was so many things to do that we were not able to get much rest. I had no sleep for over 32 hours. Maybe just a few minutes on the plane. Then we were invited to go to the Youth Meeting at Betel Church in Cluj. There were at least 100 or more college students, some great worship, and we heard from a mission team that spent a month in Tibet. I was asked to share a "small" message. It was an honor to speak with these very intelligent young people. Many of them were believers but there were many who were not. After a 3+ hours service we had a great meal at our hosts home and I don't think a bed ever felt better. Tomorrow we will have a dedication service for the building. This is the first time we have had to come back since completing the building last year so they are looking forward to having a service with us. Our Brothers and Sisters here have been looking forward to our return so we can all thank the Lord together for giving us the land and the new building.

We will begin our construction work and the children's camps on Monday. We are looking forward to seeing the children again. Some of them have been at the church today. They are the ones who make this work so rewarding. Please pray for us to get some things completed on the building. But, most of all pray for us to do something positive in someone's life that will make a difference in their eternity! We are here now and the opportunities are in front of us. With God's help we can see God do something that will bring GLORY to HIM!

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