Thursday, October 28, 2010

Romania Missions

Now that another trip to Romania has been completed I am once again in the "Evaluation" and "Future-Seeking" mode of thinking. This is the 6th trip I have taken to Romania, 4 of which I have planned and led myself. Many times when I return from one of these trips I am so exhausted that even thinking about going back in a year seemed too difficult. This year it is different for me. I have not returned home exhausted but am actually renewed with many thoughts about the next phase of ministry in Romania.

God is revealing a renewed sense of His Vision for this work. With our existing partnership in tact, we now have the opportunity to partner with a dynamic ministry where Missions is a regular part of their DNA. I have struggled with trying to provide leadership where the cultural dynamics are so different than they are here in our country. I believe we all want the same things but there is a differentiation in how to go about accomplishing the dream.

At this time I believe God wants us to begin planning on taking two trips to Romania in 2011. I also believe it is time to share the opportunities for Mission work in this part of Romania with other Mission-Minded churches so that more resources can be accessed. Our small band of Believers have been able to accomplish some things in Romania. But, there is so much more that needs to be done; much more than our small group can resource.

It is nothing short of miraculous what God has already done in and through us in this Romanian partnership. I stand amazed that a simple country boy like me has been able to travel around this world and meet some wonderful people who are so close to my heart now. I feel as though I have family all over the world. I was in Brazil on a mission trip in 1990 and a few months ago my translator while on that trip found me online. We have been talking periodically since then. Our hearts were knit together by our partnership in the Gospel Ministry 20 years ago and those feelings of brotherhood are still strong.

Please join me in praying for the work that still needs to be done in the village of Sanger, in Northern Romania. This is a place where opportunities and blessings await those who have a desire to serve God with any talents you may have. No one is too old (we have taken people in their 70's) and no one is too young (our last trip included an 8 year old boy). There is always something for everyone to do. As I have stated in the past, if you have any interest in being a part of Romanian Missions please let me know. You can email me: Please don't hesitate to follow God's call. You will not regret it!

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