Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Resolve Insurance - Article One

1. Identify Your Destination

It is very hard to know how to get somewhere if we are not sure where we are trying to go. Can you imagine stopping to ask for directions without being able to tell the person where you want to go! It is just as ludicrous to try and accomplish something positive in our lives if we are not sure exactly what it is that we would like to accomplish. Making a plan for accomplishing our goal is directly linked to the specifics concerning our destination.

For example, if you want to lose weight (which seems to be at the top of a lot of people’s ‘wish list’) then it is important to first of all determine how much we would like to lose. It is also helpful to determine the reason we want to lose. If we just want to drop those few pounds so our swimsuit will fit better in May then it may be hard to say no to that piece of chocolate cake. But, if our primary motivation is health-related or that we are just tired of being overweight, our “Resolve” to achieve our goals will be stronger and saying no to the cake will become a matter of the will instead of a battle with your saliva glands.

Deciding on our “Destination” (i.e. Goal) may require us to take some serious time for thoughtful reflection. We need to look honestly at our current status, take responsibility for the reason we are where we are, and then start imagining what it would be like to live out our dreams. I do think it is important for us to have a clear picture in our God-given imaginations of us actually living our dream. While I do not enjoy the driving distance it takes to get to Destin, Florida; my continual thoughts about the gorgeous blue water and white, fluffy sand on the beaches makes the drive bearable!

Let me encourage you to determine your destination and then write it down. If you are really serious about accomplishing your Goals, it is helpful to share what you are striving for with someone you can trust. There’s no better asset for working hard and staying on track with our dreams than having some accountability. It is easy for me to go ahead and eat that piece of pie, rationalizing that I can ‘work it off’ in the gym. But, when my wife sees me heading for the pie, her look can help me find the strength to say no.

1 comment:

Angie Mizzell said...

It took a long time to identify a destination that felt right. It's worth taking the time to figure out. Part of the reason I blasted my resolutions on my blog is to hold myself accountable. Meeting weekly with a writer partner helps, too. We have to carve out our own path, but we don't have to walk it alone.