Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform?

It has been a little over 2 years since I started posting thoughts from my heart and mind on the internet in this medium called Blogging. While I have only been using this particular "Host" (I think that is what you call it) for a few weeks, I had another blog address where I shared dozens of posts. (I believe you can still access that site with this address: I stopped using the other site because they messed up my domain for some reason.

Anyway, before I digress too much further let me get to the point. In all of these thousands of words posted I think there was only one time that I shared something about an issue that was going on in our country (primarily speaking about our political circus in Washington, D.C.). I wanted to begin this post by making this clarification so that, in case someone new reads my blog or a follower wonders about my motives, just know that this is not the primary intent of this blog!

Now, my reason for sharing this is not so much to get something "off my chest" but to point out how the recent decision of our nation's elected leaders to pass one of the largest and most significant pieces of legislation in a long time -- i.e. the health care reform bill (soon to be law) -- clearly affirms the prophecies contained in Scripture concerning the "Last Days." By "Last Days" I am referring to the time period immediately preceding the time when God says "That's enough; it is time to end life on earth as we have known it!" (This is not a good way to state the many truths concerning the "End of Times" so just stay with me even if you are wondering right now what I am talking about).

So that there is no confusion let me just go ahead and say that I am saddened by the way this health care legislation has been "driven" down the American people's throat without any consideration for the will of the people. This is another step in the past years precedence set by courts that Over-Rule statewide elections if the result does not suit the particular judge who may be presiding over a case. It is also my opinion that once our Congressmen/Women are elected they could care less what the people want. (They even speak a totally different language than those of us who live in the real world)

I wanted to share this to highlight my primary objection about the way our national leaders take care of "OUR" business. Some people may think that this legislation will cause law-abiding, tax-paying citizens to pay for abortions for the first time. This has been one of the "Hot-Topics" consistently discussed by both sides in this season of political posturing. While it makes me very angry to think that money I earn and send to my national leaders is paying for something that I oppose with every ounce of my being, to think that this legislation began this policy is nothing short of ignorance.

For years our tax money has funded a powerful organization called "Planned Parenthood." Don't let the civilized name fool you. This is one of the leading abortion providers and defenders in the world! Our tax money has been paying for abortions through this organization for years. The sad thing is that most people don't realize it. Sadder still is how the efforts to stop this atrocity by people who do understand this have failed.

Instead of ranting on let me just stop here and say that, while I am sad for the country of my physical birth -- America -- I am not dismayed because this is no longer my Home Country. You see, because of what Jesus Christ did for me on the Cross, and because I surrendered my heart and life to His Lordship (i.e. control), I am now living for a different world. The Country where my "Citizenship" now rests is eternal and is ruled by my gracious and loving Creator. My heart rejoices today because the Easter Message promises LIFE like nothing this world can give!! Even in the midst of our disintegration as a nation that cannot even protect our most vulnerable, weak members -- THE UNBORN -- my heart will REJOICE! These oppressive policies by the ruling elite actually should incite Christ-Followers to get less connected to this world and place our HOPE in the world that cannot be changed!

While I do not propose that Christians exit the arena of National, State and Local politics, to be perfectly honest, I have a hard time doing anything proactive because I am convinced that my little voice -- and my little vote -- are powerless in the process. Even though I am not proud to say this, I just have to be honest. Those in leadership are going to do whatever they want no matter what I say. When I do disagree on legislation, do I still have to abide by it? Even when it violates my moral conscience? Isn't this what fueled revolts in the past? (Again, to be clear, I am not interested in starting a revolt; actually I believe revolts start themselves and manage to pull in the people who are personally affected or who have reached a point where they no longer wish to abide within a system that is adverse to everything they stand for!)

It is my wish that my assorted, somewhat choppy thoughts will cause you to think. I am not interested in finding people who agree with me. On the contrary, I ONLY WISH TO PLEASE THE ONE WHO GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ME! Everything else is secondary.

1 comment:

Angie Mizzell said...

While I still believe that we have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world, I'm not convinced politics is the way to do it. I think that's why sometimes, I "tune out," turn off the news and turn on the Disney Channel. I'm not saying my way is the "right way"... but I feel more at peace and connected to the Spirit when I turn my attention to the impact I'm making in my small corner of the earth. It's hard enough to walk my own talk... when I focus on what politicians are doing, it honestly wipes me out. Chuck, I appreciate your convictions and am glad someone is paying attention. :)