Friday, October 28, 2011

Expectations vs. Goals

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get disappointed when our “Expectations” are not realized? Several years ago I worked in a sales profession where we were required to set “Goals” every year. These goals had to be both realistic and huge enough to make us work harder than we would otherwise. I can assure you, in that profession, I never reached all my goals. But, they gave me something to strive for and helped me to make more money.

In thinking about the difference between Expectations and Goals, it occurs to me that the greatest difference is in the ‘after-effects.’ When our Expectations are not met, the result is usually anger, disappointment, sadness, and/or disruption in our closest and most meaningful relationships. Whether I am doing something in my profession, participating in some kind of recreational activity or watching my favorite team play a game, my frame of mind and my disposition are greatly affected by whether or not my Expectations are realized.

Goals are usually determined after some intentional thought and planning. Expectations however, usually result from my SELFISH-Ambitions. When I am disappointed in another person it is probably because they didn’t “perform” according to my standards. Or if my team loses then I am affected negatively. My day-to-day life or my identity is not affected at all but it still has a negative or positive impact on the way I “feel.”

Could it be possible that Expectations are cleverly disguised “Self-Will” indicators while Goals are carefully crafted plans to create positive, powerful change in our lives? (and in the lives of others!) I am certainly not suggesting that we can ever live without Expectations. I think they are so deeply ensconced within us that we cannot escape their influence. However, I do believe, with a little discipline and planning, we can be more influenced by Positive Goals than by Unrealized Expectations. In a way, Goals are designed to be like the ‘proverbial carrot’ that are always out in front enticing us to go further, work harder, and not give up.

Do you have some well-defined, updated Goals for your Life? Are you negatively affected when your Expectations are not realized? I encourage you to take some time to honestly and accurately assess your current status in life; then determine where you are in light of where you would like to be. Make some long-term and short-term GOALS for yourself – do this for your personal life, your professional like, your family, etc. I hope you will uncover an exciting YOU that may be hidden behind some unrealized Expectations!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Time in a Bottle"

At my current age and status in life (i.e. "Empty Nest") it seems that we talk a lot about how quickly time passes. In reality we know that "TIME" always proceeds at the same pace -- chronologically speaking. Our perspective on the passing of time is what changes as we get older. Likewise, our current circumstances seem to play a major role in how we "feel" about the passing of time. When we are really enjoying our life the "TIME" seems to pass by much more rapidly than when our journey in life is very difficult. So, we can say that our "Emotional Status" has a major role in how we view the passing of time.

My wife and I have often commented on how quickly our children grew up. It "seems like yesterday" when they were young and when our lifestyle was largely influenced by their presence in our home. In a way we are saddened by the fact that our children have moved on. Even though we have all the fond memories of their "growing up" years, it is hard sometimes not to wish things could go back to when they were younger. (And we were younger too!)

As I thought about how these times of nostalgia can bring as much sadness as happiness, it occurred to me how our perspective on the passing of time is influenced by what has already been -- i.e. The Past. It is impossible to 're-live' those moments that have passed. We can only truly LIVE in the Present! When "passed moments" are very positive and happy we can find ourselves living in them instead of abiding in the wonderment of what we commonly refer to as TODAY. When our "hopes" for a better tomorrow become less than realistic then we tend to avoid and/or miss out on what can be experienced in our Amazing TODAY.

I had no choice concerning when I would enter this 'continuum' called LIFE and I have no choice when my TIME on earth will end. But, between these two points, my choices are limitless. If you could choose between certainty in the details of your life on earth or certainty of life after death, which would you choose? To be honest, our choice on this key issue reflects our perspective on "TIME." Time is a rare and precious commodity; deserving of our best effort in each second that we are privileged to have. Maxing out our NOW involves both our past experiences and future expectations. And, by the way, you can influence what you will do forever by what you do TODAY!

{If you have time go to and search for Jim Croce's song "Time in a Bottle." Listen to the lyrics and enjoy the melody as you think about your perspectives on time.}

Friday, September 16, 2011

Coming Back

I have had some ideas lately to blog about but just can't seem to find the block of time necessary to get them written. Life has been extremely hectic over these past couple of months since we returned from our Romania mission trip. I am working to build a small business while simultaneously working with a wonderful group of people in a New Church start. (cf.

Since it has been so long since I have written anything I thought it would be best to see if anyone is out there who might be interested in reading. I write a daily devotional thought for our website -- Monday through Friday. It is under the heading "R.A.B.U." (means Rooted And Built UP); teach a small group Bible study at Connecting Point Prince Perry on Wednesday nights; (one of our 8 House Churches) and prepare Bible lessons for our Sunday gatherings. With all this and doing manual labor sometimes for 7 to 9 hours a day, blogging just has not been on the "top" of my list.

What I really want to do is try and find out if anyone is still out there who may be remotely interested in reading things that I may write in the future. It may sound strange but I would like to get an idea of how many people are interested in reading. So, if you don't mind, just comment on this post by simply saying, "Write and I'll read" or whatever else you want to say. Also, let me know what kind of things seem most helpful to you when you do take the time to read blogs.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Are We Having Fun Yet?

This has been one incredible summer so far. Even with the extreme heat, God has been blessing in ways that are hard to describe. After an incredible time with "My Kids" from Sanger, Romania at our camp, we have once again seen our Young people here experience something amazing with God at their camp last week. Now, this week we are having a great time with some wonderful children at our Summer Bible camp. The children -- young and old -- are having a great time playing, singing some exciting songs, and learning some great truths from God's Word.

It occurred to me how much enthusiasm and "LIFE" children/youth bring into our lives. Each time I think that I am too old to "relate" to this young generation, I find myself right in the middle of them playing and laughing a lot. I love kids! They make me feel young and alive again. It's incredible how monotonous and boring our "adult" lives can get. The pressures and stress to earn enough money to pay our debts and provide for our families makes "having fun" a rare experience.

I was wondering how we could tap into some of this amazing energy that the younger generation have. And, why do we have to wait for Summer vacation time to get a bunch of kids together and have some good, clean fun? Life is much too short to spend all of our time working and worrying about our earning potential. If you have some kids in your life, take some time to just simply PLAY with them. If not, find some way to volunteer with some really great ministries who are offering "fun" stuff for under-resourced children. I was talking with a friend yesterday about a couple we both know who are well into their 70's but you would never know it because they have a "Young" way of thinking (and acting). They have learned the secret to staying young -- Make young people a priority. So, how "YOUNG" do you feel right now. I hope you are having a great summer and that you find some time to just have fun!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Camp Valea Verde (means Green Valley)

We have just completed a camp for 24 children in a remote location in the mountains of Romania. The scenery in Romania is absolutely amazing! Our journey to the camp location took about 3 hours by car -- not because the distance was so long but because it is mostly small, curvy roads. This journey gave me the opportunity to see parts of Romania that I had never seen before; making me appreciate the majesty of God as displayed so wonderfully in this country.

I feel like we had a very successful camp experience with the children from Sanger (and other places). AS the children were leaving this morning they were crying because we were all separating after spending so much time together this week. I have been a part of many camps through the years and this is usually the reaction. For many of these children the emotions were probably a little more vivid because most of them have never been to anything like this before (when I say "most" it may be more accurate to say "ALL"). Some of these children may have never seen the mountains or been on a vacation.

I am always impressed by the way the children from Sanger enthusiastically recite Scripture verses and the way they pour their whole selves into singing the songs. Their singing will truly bless your heart! On our final night of having a gathering with all the children I shared a very simple and direct message from God's Word about how we all need to be forgiven of our sins. When I asked for any who wanted to "Confess" Jesus as their Lord none of them responded. After this we had a time for anyone who wanted to write down a sin or some other burden on a sheet of paper and place it on a cross that we had there for them. It was moving to watch all of the children and many of the adults -- Me first -- put notes on that cross containing things that we need God to take from us.

The next day two of the oldest boys came to me and said they had decided to accept Jesus as their Savior. The final night as we gathered to celebrate I asked for these guys and any others who had decided to accept Jesus as their Savior to stand up and not be ashamed of Jesus. I was blown away when over half of the children stood up -- and they were all representing the oldest in our group! I have been doing these kind of ministry events for many years and it felt like these children knew exactly what they were doing.

These children have a difficult living environment so please be praying for them. As our team prepares to go and be with these children in their village tomorrow morning I am already wondering how many of them will come and how many of their parents will come to see what they learned. How awesome would it be to see some of these parents accept Jesus as their Savior tomorrow. Keep us in your prayers. I will update you on our sharing time tomorrow in the village of Sanger and in Betel Baptist Church in Cluj, Romania.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back in Romania

Our team of 6 has arrived safely in Romania. We have an exciting and challenging plan for our time here in Romania this year. We are working together with some of the most dedicated Christ-Followers I have ever met to host a camp for young people in a remote location in this beautiful land. Beginning Monday, June 27, we will go to this location with approximately 30 youth and about 15 adults. Each day we will be teaching God's Word to these who will come to the camp. We will also be leading in games, music, Scripture memorization, and other fun activities.

I ask for your prayers for all who will participate in this camp. In a way we are a little anxious because we do not know exactly how things will transpire. IN the past we have only been responsible for these young people a few hours a day. This year we will have them under our authority 24 hours a day for 6 days. Please pray for safety both for the children and for our adult workers.

It is a joy to link arm and arm together with our Romanian Brothers and Sisters for the objective of sharing God's love with everyone who will be open to receive His salvation through Christ. We will not have internet while we are at the camp so please check back with this blog at the end of the week (i.e. Saturday, July 2nd) for an update on how everything went. Thanks for taking the time to read what I write. May God bless you is my prayer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Romania Here We Come

Please pray for our Romanian Mission Team as we make our final preparations for this year's journey. We are attempting something that we have never tried on any of our previous trips. In the past we would always work with the children in the village of Sanger a few hours each day. They would come to the campus, hang out with us, participate in our Day Camps and then return to their homes. The rest of our time each day was usually spent on construction, and some home visitation.

This year we are taking approximately 40 young people and over 20 adults to a camp facility in the mountains for one week. This means we will have these children under our responsibility for 6 days -- 24/7! We are looking forward to having the opportunity to build some deeper, more detailed relationships with these young people and the few parents from the village who have agreed to make the trip with us. Most of all we are hoping and praying for the opportunity to share with everyone in this camp how Jesus Christ can become the Lord of their Lives.

Please pray for our Team; for our final provisions to be made; for all of our partners in Romania; for the young people and their families from Sanger; and for each day that we are gone on the trip. The dates we will be away from home are June 23 -- July 4. As always, please ask God to grant us safety as we travel. Like each trip we take there are some on our team who have never flown on an airplane. Also, pray for our families who will be here awaiting our safe return. PLEASE KNOW THAT WE ARE POWERLESS WITHOUT YOUR PRAYERS!

I will be trying to share updates on this blog while we are in Romania. I am not sure about internet access while we are at the camp so if you don't see anything from me from Monday - Saturday (June 27 - July 2) you will know that we don't have internet service. I will update everyone on our trip as soon as the web is available to me. Thanks from my heart for the prayers and for the financial support you have given!